Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Same melody, different scale?

It's already been mentioned, but let's have it again: here in its Asia Minor version (Στη σμύρνη μες την Αρμενιά) the song is almost identical to the Cypriot version, though the melody is in sabâ makamı

In the Cypriot version (Αγάπησα την που καρθκιάς) it sounds more like a Western minor scale.

In this forum discussion, the speculative explanation attributes the change to the limited melodic capacities of the tsambouna.

A more sinister link might be drawn here with the de-turkification of music under the Metaxas dictatorship's censorship, with 'oriental'-sounding scales ('τα μπεμόλια') being replaced with Western minor scales (see e.g. this article which discusses Tsitsanis' mention of the subject).

Tuesday, 1 April 2014